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    Product Title Writer

    This experienced copywriter and ecommerce expert will write you a high quality optimised product title, meta description and keywords

    How it works

    This generative AI tool will help you create well-written and compelling product titles that help grab the attention of potential buyers to boost your sales. Enter a Product name, Brand and some product details for a set of titles that includes meta description and keywords!

    Product Title Writer

    Enter a product name and details

    Add as many product details as you can. For example brand, model, key features, specifications, use case or target audience, benefits or unique selling points and quantity or package size

    How to Write a Great Product Title That Makes Sales


    As an online retailer or e-commerce business owner, one of the most critical aspects of your product listing is the product title. A well-written and compelling product title not only helps in grabbing the attention of potential buyers but also plays a significant role in boosting your sales. In this guide, we will explore the essential elements and techniques to craft a great product title that makes sales. So, let’s dive in!

    1. Know Your Target Audience

    Before you start writing your product title, it’s crucial to understand your target audience. Consider their interests, preferences, and needs. By knowing your customers, you can tailor your title to resonate with their desires and connect with them on a deeper level. Research their language, use appropriate keywords, and employ a tone that appeals to their emotions.

    2. Keep It Concise and Clear

    In the fast-paced world of online shopping, potential buyers often skim through product listings. Therefore, it’s important to keep your product title concise and clear. Avoid using unnecessary words or jargon that could confuse or overwhelm your customers. Use simple and descriptive language to communicate the key features and benefits of your product effectively.

    3. Highlight Unique Selling Points

    Stand out from your competitors by highlighting the unique selling points of your product in the title. What makes your product different or better than others in the market? Whether it’s a special feature, an innovative design, or exceptional quality, make sure to incorporate these selling points in your title. This will entice potential buyers and make them curious to learn more about your offering.

    4. Incorporate Relevant Keywords

    Keywords play a vital role in optimising your product title for search engine rankings. Identify the primary keywords related to your product and include them naturally in your title. Be mindful not to overuse keywords, as it can appear spammy and reduce the appeal of your title. Strike a balance between search engine optimization and creating an enticing title that appeals to human shoppers.

    5. Focus on Benefits

    While it’s important to mention the features of your product, highlighting the benefits it provides is equally crucial. Customers are more likely to make a purchase if they can visualise how the product can improve their lives or solve their problems. Incorporate the key benefits of your product in the title to attract potential buyers and drive sales.

    6. Use Power Words and Emotional Triggers

    Power words and emotional triggers are effective tools to evoke emotions and create a sense of urgency in potential buyers. Words like “exclusive,” “limited edition,” “must-have,” or “life-changing” can ignite excitement and curiosity. However, use these words sparingly and genuinely to avoid sounding gimmicky or insincere.

    7. Consider Formatting and Structure

    The formatting and structure of your product title can significantly impact its visual appeal and readability. Use capitalization and punctuation strategically to break down your title into clear sections. Some sellers prefer using title case (capitalising the first letter of each word), while others opt for sentence case (capitalising only the first letter of the first word). Experiment with different formats and choose one that aligns with your brand and product.

    8. Test and Optimise

    Once you have crafted your product title, don’t consider it final. Continuously test and optimise your titles to discover what resonates best with your target audience. Monitor the performance of your listings, evaluate customer feedback, and make adjustments accordingly. The world of e-commerce is ever-evolving, and staying agile with your product titles can give you a competitive edge.


    Crafting a great product title is an art form that can significantly impact your sales and business success. By knowing your target audience, keeping it concise and clear, highlighting unique selling points, incorporating relevant keywords, focusing on benefits, using power words and emotional triggers, considering formatting and structure, and continuously testing and optimising, you can write product titles that capture attention and drive sales. So, put these techniques into practice and watch your business thrive in the online marketplace.

    The perfect product title includes

    Key pieces of information that effectively communicate your product

    1. Brand Name: Start the title with the brand name to establish brand recognition and credibility.
    2. Product Name or Model: Include the specific name or model number of the product to help customers identify it accurately.
    3. Key Features: Highlight the most important features or functionalities of the product that differentiate it from competitors and address customer needs.
    4. Specifications: Include relevant specifications such as size, capacity, dimensions, weight, color, material, or any other pertinent details that describe the product accurately.
    5. Use Case or Target Audience: Specify the intended use case or target audience for the product, if applicable. This helps potential customers understand who the product is designed for and how it can benefit them.
    6. Benefits or Unique Selling Points: Highlight any unique benefits, advantages, or selling points of the product that make it stand out from similar products in the market.
    7. Quantity or Package Size: If the product comes in different quantities or package sizes, specify this information in the title to help customers make informed purchasing decisions.

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